BY Simmi Kava8 Aug 2023 Edit
Number-Based Video Captcha

Number-Based Video Captcha: A New Way to Verify Human


In today's digital age, online security has become a paramount concern. As the internet continues to evolve, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. To counteract this growing threat, NeuroSpeech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has developed a cutting-edge solution known as Number-Based Video Captcha. In this blog post, we will explore this innovative approach to verifying human users and discuss its potential impact on online security.

What is Number-Based Video Captcha?

Number-Based Video Captcha is an advanced technology developed by NeuroSpeech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. that aims to distinguish between humans and bots during online interactions. Traditionally, captcha systems have relied on users to solve visual puzzles or answer simple questions to prove they are human. However, these methods have become susceptible to automated attacks.

Text-based CAPTCHA often presents challenges for users. The distorted characters or complex puzzles can be difficult to interpret, leading to frustration and discouragement. This can result in users abandoning the process or seeking alternative websites that offer a more user-friendly experience.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has advanced over the years, making it easier for automated bots to bypass text-based CAPTCHA. Bots can analyze and interpret the distorted characters with a high degree of accuracy, rendering the security measure ineffective against sophisticated attacks.

Image verification CAPTCHA systems often require users to interact with images by clicking on specific objects or areas. However, the interpretation of these images can vary among users, leading to inconsistencies in the verification process. Different users may perceive the same image differently, resulting in false positives or negatives. Image verification-based CAPTCHA relies on a finite set of images that are pre-selected for verification purposes. This limited pool of images can be exploited by bots or attackers who can build a database of these images, making it easier to bypass the security measure. Additionally, the lack of diversity in images can lead to monotony for users, further affecting the usability and engagement.

Also, it often requires users to perform additional mental tasks, such as identifying specific objects or patterns within an image. This can increase the cognitive load on users, particularly those with limited cognitive abilities or language barriers, making it more challenging to successfully complete the verification process. These systems track the movement of the mouse cursor to determine the validity of the user's response. While this method may seem effective in distinguishing humans from bots, it raises several security concerns:

a) Privacy Breach: Mouse location tracking can compromise user privacy by capturing and storing their mouse movements. This sensitive data could be exploited by malicious actors for various purposes, such as targeted advertising, identity theft, or unauthorized tracking.

b) User Profiling: Capturing mouse location data over time allows for the creation of user profiles. This profiling can be used to monitor user behavior, track online activities, and potentially violate user privacy and autonomy.

c) Data Vulnerability: Storing mouse location data on servers poses a potential risk as these data repositories can become targets for cyberattacks. If attackers gain access to these databases, they can obtain sensitive user information, leading to further security breaches.

In addition to mouse location tracking, some image verification CAPTCHA systems also capture keystrokes to verify user responses. This approach introduces its own set of security threats:

a) Keystroke Logging: Keyboard tracking can record all user keystrokes, including sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages. If these data are intercepted or mishandled, users become vulnerable to identity theft and financial fraud.

b) Insecure Data Transmission: Transmitting keyboard tracking data to remote servers may expose it to interception or unauthorized access. This can occur during data transfer, potentially leading to the compromise of sensitive user data.

c) Trust Concerns: Users may be hesitant to enter sensitive information or perform certain actions if they suspect their keystrokes are being recorded. This lack of trust can hinder the usability and functionality of the CAPTCHA system.

Number-Based Video Captcha addresses this challenge by utilizing video-based authentication techniques.

How does it work?

Unlike conventional captcha systems, Number-Based Video Captcha presents users with a dynamic video containing a sequence of numbers. The user is then required to correctly identify and enter the numbers displayed in the video. By incorporating video elements, NeuroSpeech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ensures a higher level of security by making it more difficult for bots to decipher and replicate the video content.

Key features and benefits:

  1. Enhanced Security: Number-Based Video Captcha offers a robust defense against automated attacks, ensuring that only genuine human users can access protected content or services.

  2. User-Friendly: Unlike complex and visually challenging captchas, this technology presents a straightforward and intuitive verification process, making it easier for users to prove their authenticity.

  3. Compatibility: The technology seamlessly integrates with existing web applications and platforms, making it a versatile solution for businesses across various industries.

  4. Cost-Effective: Implementing Number-Based Video Captcha can significantly reduce the resources required to combat bot attacks, resulting in cost savings for organizations.


Number-Based Video Captcha represents a significant advancement in online security measures. By incorporating dynamic video elements, this innovative solution provides a more effective and user-friendly method to verify human users while deterring automated attacks. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, and Number-Based Video Captcha offers a promising solution to enhance online security in the digital era.

PS: Used in Castyy - Cast Your Talent, our growing Social Network for Performing Arts, Film, Media and Entertainment Industry Professionals.

BY Simmi Kava
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